We sell high quality process membranes and solutions around membrane separation processes. they include Some of the best membranes in the RO, NF, UF and MF area. We also deal with centrifuges, filtration equipment and flotation systems. Thanks to our long experience and Ciba-Geigy background, we manufacture water treatment chemicals and disinfection agents. Complex problems given to us by our customers are studied and optimal solutions are found & offered. We also offer training courses and seminars for engineers and scientists from the industry

Membrane Technology as a core technology was established at Ciba-Geigy in the early seventies. The founder of Somicon, Sohail Mirza joined this group in 1986 and has been involved in numerous projects covering practically all aspects of the Membrane Technology.
In 1996 Mirza & his team decided to make this group independent in the form of a new company Somicon AG. In their efforts, the team was supported by the Novartis Venture Capital Fund. Somicon could take over the complete know-how of more than 25 years from Ciba-Geigy. Somicon is a completely independent company with no legal connection to Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Novartis, Syngenta, BASF, Clariant or Huntsman.
We are a group that works closely with first class companies and have the advantage of pooling excellent resources from Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food Technologies and Pharmaceutical Technology. Thus we are in a position to look at industrial issues in a holistic manner. Contacts through various segments of processing industry enable us to come up with innovative and unique solutions.